We also noticed that our 2 1/2
So, we were left with the sense that we'd made the wrong choice to send him to school. He's young after all, and he is fine at home with a babysitter. It is easier for mama, too, to not have to go get him early so that he won't cry ALL day...But, then, we heard little Tot singing a new "clean up" song when he was putting his toys away. (What? Putting his toys away?!?! When did this happen?)
And it struck me that this kid is going to be Ok. He will adapt. He is more resilient than we think he is, and now is a chance for him to stretch himself to learn how to be in a new (safe and secure) environment. If we bail out, we miss our chance for him to (1) learn, (2) have fun, and (3) use his own skills to manage something new. When I picked him up early on his first day of preschool, for example, I found him rubbing the little crevice above his upper lip, which is what he does when he needs to soothe himself. At first, I felt sad, like "oh-no, he's so stressed that he's rubbing his lip"...but then I corrected myself, thinking "wait--but thank GOD he has that little trick and knows how to use it!"
This week's school experience was a little better...less crying at school and at home, fewer why-questions about going to school, and less overall resistence. Maybe by next week he'll be even more acclimated, and will start to have the fun we promised him! I feel proud of the little guy for starting to work out this big change for himself, and I feel proud of us for trusting him.
Oh goodness. The school woes SLAY ME. Letting go in every form is so hard for me.
ReplyDeleteHow great that your little tot has a way to calm himself. Isn't it so amazing when you reframe something like him calming himself? Depending on how you look at it, it's either terrible or great!